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Doctrine Nirogi rewards Independent Distributors with Travel fund who are able to achieve the Recognition Level of Ruby Business Directors up till Global Business Directors.
Travel Fund is calculated as 5% of company's total BV turnover in a particular calendar month.
To earn Travel Fund every month, Independent Distributors must have a minimum purchase of 1000 BV every month.
Travel Fund = 5% of Company BV turnover x Your business / Sum of business of all Travel Fund Achievers.
Doctrine Nirogi rewards Independent Distributors with Training fund who are able to achieve the Recognition Level of Business owners up till Bronze Business Managers .
Training fund is calculated as 7% of company's total BV turnover in a particular calendar month.
To earn Training Fund every month, Independent Distributors must have a minimum purchase of 1000 BV every month.
Training Fund = 7% of Company BV turnover x Your business / Sum of business of all Training Fund Achievers.
Doctrine Nirogi rewards Independent Distributors with Business Development fund who are able to achieve the Recognition Level of Silver Business Managers up till Emerald Business Directors.
Business Development Fund is calculated as 6% of company's total BV turnover in a particular calendar month.
To earn Business Development Fund every month, Independent Distributors must have a minimum purchase of 1000 BV every month.
Business Development Fund = 6% of Company BV turnover x Your business / Sum of business of all Business Development Fund Achievers.

Doctrine Nirogi rewards Independent Distributors with Annual Royalty Bonus who are able to achieve the Recognition Level of Platinum Business Directors and Global Business Directors.
Royalty Bonus is calculated as 2% of company’s total Annual BV turnover.
Travel Fund = 2% of Company Annual BV turnover / No. of Annual Royalty Bonus Achievers